2013. január 7., hétfő

Attila Vidnyánszky will be the new director of National Theatre

17th of December 2012

Zoltán Balog – the minister of Emberi Erőforrások – appoints Attila Vidnyánszky to be the director of National Theatre. The technical Commitee (the commentors of competitions) agreed with this decision. Attila will be the head of Theatre officially From 1st of July 2013 to 30th of June 2018.

Announcement. Since the mandate of Nemzeti Színház Kiemelkedően Közhasznú Nonprofit Ltd.’ director will be expired in 30th of June, the Feuilleton advertised a vacancy for the autumn in terms of the law. Altogether four people competed for the competition for the deadline. Only Robert Alföldi and Attila Vidnyánszky’s competition filled requirements. The employer’s discretion asked a tehnical Commitee to express an opinion in writing on the competition. Robert Alföldi and Vidnyánszky were ordered to be heard then by the members of the technical Commitee. Based on these, Attila Vidnyánszky were chosen to be the head of the Theatre. According to one of the members the National Theatre is not just a theatre but an institution which has to represent national value.

Attila Vidnyánszky is the one who stand fully all demands. The audience had the possibility to get acquainted with the theatre led by Robert Alföldi. Next, the chance has to be given for others to carry out theire ideas. on the basis Attila Vidnyánszky’s achievements it is obvious that he is capable of leading a theatre.

Foto: Gergely Botár 