cultural review of Péter Esterházy was cut from MR1 Radio Kossuth - according
to an article which will be published tomorrow in Élet és Irodalom. The MTVA
made a disciplinary inquiry against the editor involved, but denied that
censorship should be the case.
So Radio Kossuth asked me to give cultural review monthly, Trend-times, and I
recommended Szilárd Robin to read, and monograph of Keresztesi which is very
interesting and easy to read, exhibitions from PIM, Ottlik directed by Ida
Kovács, Örkény from Eszter Pádár and the theatre, the National Theatre - quoted
Esterházy from his writing which will be published tomorrow.
latter is not a political Spite (though why would not have I done) but because
National Theatre will be covered up in half a year and in my opinion the
National Theatre have never been so close to the audience under the leadership
of Alföldi who wants to know this luckily nascent closeness" - continues
one of the review has been cut. Those who strike out which the Hungarian
Academy of Arts raffle turuls (decorated by the portrait of the Ministre of
Culture) among them. No matter how suprising the review of National Theatre is
the victim" - it can be read in the preview.
would say Lajos Básti voice: How you dare to do this? Last, according to my
memories, I was censored in 1981. Am I going to get a phone: I apologize for
misunderstanding? Because suddenly we are in 1986 (namely then I could reflect
to what happened in 1981)?" - wrote Esterházy.
But I do not want to live in nor 1981 nor 1986. I have already live once, it
was enough. The Nemzeti Együttműködés Rendszere as Kádár-mass, this way I do
not want to cooperate with nation" - wrote Esterházy at the end.
MTVA Thursday night said that investigation has been ordered in the case and
apologized Péter Esterházy for the cultural review has been cut from Radio
Kossuth. The MTVA objected to that assumption according to which it was