Supporters' statements

World-renowned national and international artists, professional and educational institutions, representatives admire the work of Robert Alföldi. 

In Robert Alföldi's tender more than 160 statements can be read in which leaders of international theatrical and co-artistic institutions(artists, pedagogues) here and elsewhere in the world said they will support National Theatre. Moreover the statements and audience's opinion prove the success of the theatre, international reputation, achievements of theatre eduation of young people, position and rank of the National Theatre in theater culture.
Between the statements there are some which are written by professional partners, experts, artists who appreciate the work of past few years and who follow the life of the theatre, know the nascent shows and agree with that spirituality and social engagement which the theatre staff and the members of the company - headed by the prinipal director - represent.
Below we publish some excerpt from the scriptures and we gratefully thank the support for everyone those who joined the competition with theire statements and of course for those who express their support by ticket purchase.

László Arató, the President of the Association of English Teachers:
"Those national and world literature classics which were outstanding important for high school teachers and students (and for education) were continuously available in the repertoire under the leading of Robert Alföldi. In addition just few random examples to mention - the Bank ban, The Tragedy of Man, The Three Sisters or Hamlet - were so fresh and provocative and was staged in thought-provoking way. Robert Alföldi really undertook the task to build a bridge between the origin and the reception, the old times and modern times.The required shows were not boring and dusty indeed the students had the possibility to meet the ethical and aesthetic side of productions."

Beáta Asboltné Czapári  (teacher), Ágnes Schwarkopf (teacher), Éva Szabóné (teacher), Kempelen High School:
"Me and my students always go to the National Theatre with joy, happiness. The last four year season confirmed that Robert Alföldi and his colleagues try to keep the meaning of the theatre and to draw the attention to basic human values, moral laws that make audience tolerant and curious.He pay attention especially for the younger generation: for young people. There are many performances which I can choose from as teacher of literature for my students ( Moliére: The Miser, Tartuffe, Chekhov: Three Sisters, Shakespeare: Hamlet, Zsigmond Móricz: Úri muri, Sándor Bródy: The teacher, András Sütő: Egy lócsiszár virágvasárnapja etc.) The theatre had show from different literary work, form different ages. For instance Schiller: Intrique and love. These performances show that the classic works of literature are to be able to speak on the stage and that are familiar to students. And they are able to encourage to think and talk."

Ilona Nagy (professional coordinator), Alojzia Diósi (educational leader) (teachers of Economical Polytechnic):
"We think that in recent years National Theatre wants to introduce the world of art young people and especially young people speking their language. There many activities by which Theatre helps them to understand the language of the Theatre, the relation between language and theatrical culture."

Dr. Árpád Kun Kékesi (Associate professor), Gáspár Károli Reformed University:
"I really appreciate the achievements of Robert Alföldi and I think his theatrical and directorial activities are outstanding. Moreover I think the relation between the pratical training of Master's students (Gáspár Károli reformed University) and his National Theatre is exemplary. In recent year many students spent intership in the National Theatre. They took part in projects. It was worth because it brought considerable profit both for the students both for our school. And this is the eloquent example of living blood cirulation. How to maintain relationship with social environment: with people who deal with theatre as complex branch of art in historical and theocritical view and with who are interested in the world which is one of the extraordinary form of thinking."

Adrienne Darvay Nagy (professional curator of former Hungarian cross-border theater nights, writer):
"Mr Robert regards the nation just as unlimited as the theater. I witnessed last year wht the  guest appearance of Robert Alföldi in Romanian National Theatre Festivel meant for who arrived from other continent. It was a great succes, intellectual and moral capital for Hungary."

András Urbán (head of Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre in Subotica):
"As the head of Kosztolányi Dezső Theatre I declare that I support Robert Alföldi and his staff in the CEO competition. Moreover I can quarantee my willingness and intention to cooperate."

Zsolt Bogdán (actor in Hungarian State Theatre in Cluj-Napoca):
"What he as a director, actor and above all a creator of such a good company has done and do is exemplary. Moreover his enviable performance is more than that: It gives hope and warrants that how somebody can set up a provocative, food for thought theatre which is followed by both the audience and the professional member with curiousity and interest. Our common interest is to see where the road leads further."

Dr. András Visky (writer, Babes-Boyai University - associate professor of Hungarian Theatre Institution, art Deputy Director of State Hungarian Theatre in Cluj-Napoca):
"Robert Alföldi (as the head of National Theatre) determined the role of National Theatre as the instituion which constantly reflects to contemporary culture and cultural heritage. This duality - tradition and modernity, hungarian theatre and world theatre - compile the season. He asked diretors to bring shows to stage in this spirit. (...) Robert Alföldi thinks National Theatre is not a museum but a living, sometimes inevitably a 'tension creater' institution. A debate abou t national identity or a public discussion is not unnecessary or non-pregnant event of discourse but the existence of real culture."

Imola Kézdi ( Knight's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit winner, Mari Jászai award winner actress, the member of Hungarian State Theatre in Cluj-Napoca):
"Robert Alföldi belongs to that woefully few theater artist who went to cross-border shows even when he was not director just an actor or when it was not 'fashion'. Moreover not only for guest performances but when he could he came with his colleguaes because of professional curiosity. He watched our performances, follows our individual results and he was loyal to us, he regarded us as equal peels as usual. Since his theatrical perception is similar to ours I was happy when as it turned out he could open the season by Uncle Vanya in which I am playing too."

Csaba Székely (writer):
"As a Transylvanian hungarian I consider it is important to have a theatre not only which is ours. I do not deny, I'm sensitive to the way our nation or national words are being used, and I would feel very bad if we should be ashamed of the theater, which the National flag bears. I am delighted that Robert Plain and colleagues implemented the The National Theatre, which is worthy of the name."

János Háy (writer):
"The National Theatre became the indispensable and guidance institution of theatrical culture. The consistent, thorough work - that is specific there - and the intensive demand for art can not be questioned. The quality of work has brought the recognition of audience. Especially great that National staff touched high school students who is really difficult trail in theatre but without them it is not conceivable the theatre of the future."

Enikő Eszenyi (managing director of Vígszínház):
"I appreciate Robert Alföldi's mentality about the theatre, his ideas about art. He is one of the greatest who the theatre is important for. I appreciate that National Theatre became a 'new way seeker', 'artistic risk-taking' 'workroom'."

Tamás Jordán (the head of Weöres Sándor Theatre):
"As a former head of National Theatre I feel great responsibility towards the institution. I gladly experienced that the first Theatre of Nation won a significant domestic and foreign professional status."

Mácsai Paul (executive director of Örkény István Theatre):
"The National Theatre (I know from decades) is the most curious, the most exciting and professionally is the most valuable recently. National Theatre is in the forefront now. Robert Alföldi and his team played a great role in ascension of the Theatre."

Gábor Máté (the head of Katona József Theatre):
"Robert Alföldi has achieved that National Theatre is one of the most valid, traditionally respectful, yet modern, 'look for new ways' theatre nowadays. The hungarian theatrical profession's interest is to continue the work begun by Robert Alföldi."

Áron Őze (the head of Hungarian Theatre in Pest):
"In my opinion during Robert Alföldi's leadership he has achieved what I think about contemporary and classical, hungarian and foreing shows. I advocate this literature-oriented, 'open to Europe', outstanding work."

Gábor Zsámbéki (director, the head of Katona József Theatre 1982-2011):
"Robet Alföldi had the courage in the past five years to solve the problems which was a challenge to him. National issues and raising the professional level to international level. National Theatre is an intellectual, produce outstandig performances and is frequently visited. Natural acting troupe state is the proof of the quality of the leadership."

Viktória Kulcsár (President of FÜGE):
"We hope to continue the exemplary work which combines contemporary and incremental progressivity at the same time it gives the opportunity to ensure a program policy in which contemporary national drama and universal classic drama can be found too."

Edina Bátyai (head and organizer of Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok és Fesztivál Nonprofit Kft.):
"Robert Alföldi's shows are epoch-making in the history of Dóm square perfromances. Both the audience and the press declared approvingly about the art and his innovative directorial perception. The casting compilaton increased the success of performances. He is a committed theater professional, charismatic, conscious personality with strong will. His works are acknowledged by the audience. He wants to teach and entertain at the same time. His works are thoughtful, conscious which regard the public reception capacities, entertainment, love of theatre."

Mária Szilágyi (Head of Contemporary Drama Festival):
"I think the contemporary openness is important in Robert Alföldi's works: in every year significant works drama literature can be found in the program. They look for the answers of our present. They call for proposal drama. They are the first to undertake to show domestic contemporary and foreign performances, give the opportunity for readers theater productions, symposia, conferences. They are willing to cooperate as partners and/ or host theater if cross-border or foreign countries want to bring performance which enrich the repertoire or make people to know the new tendency of world theater. National Theatre allowed Contemporary Drama Festival theater professionals to organize Hungarian Showcase Program. Foreign members of Visitor's Programme appreciated this generou participation."

Imre Bretus (art curator, Tat Gallery):
"During the leadership of Robert Alföldi National Theatre became the leader workshop of theatricals. The field of progression and tradition. Moderate and value-added institution."

Dr. Piroska Ács (head of National Theatre Museum and Institution):
"In the last years a very good cooperaton formed between the OSZMI and National Theatre.the promotion of contemporary French literature drama program started in 2010 which is the common project of OSZMi, French Institute in Budapest and National Theatre. Based on this cooperation we experienced that National Theatre manages to do everything to find a way to young people."

Károly Kisari (The President of Association of Down):
"During our common work empathy, professionaism were characteristic of the team of National Theatre. Theire service was high-quality. Moreover we have to mention the emphatic and torelant skills we experienced toward disabilities."

Zsolt Tiba (Calvinisti pastor):
"Robert Alföldi saw that not only one type of human live in this country but many. We are different with different problems and we want to solve the problems. A good example is the Tragedy of Human which I watched twice. Secondly I sat on the stairs, there was no place nowwhere else. Searching for the ultimate meaning of existence, this is a huge thing, how much it is missing from this world."

Michal Dočekal, Artistic director of the National Theatre, Czech Republic:
"I can say, I have good knowledge of artistic state and results of Hungarian National Theatre and I’m cordially expressing my support not only as a colleague but also as artist and spectator. Alföldi is the best choice!"

Ian Herbert, International Association of Theatre Critics, Honorary President:
"I highly appreciate their artistic activity during the last five years. Over this period I have been able to observe both the quality of Mr Alföldi’s work and the change it has wrought, both in increasing the audience for the National Theatre, and in boosting its reputation on the world stage."

Declan Donnellan, Cheek by Jowl, Co- Artistic Director:
"Without the generosity of spirit, the vision and openness of Mr Alföldi and his team, companies like Cheek by Jowl would not be able to bring their work to Hungarian audiences. Moreover, Mr Alföldi is a leading figure in international theatre in his own right: his work is much lauded across the world and his career before and at the National Theatre continues to be followed with increasing interest by the heads of international organisations. He is a tremendous ambassador for his country as his work receives global attention and praise."

Jutta Gehrig, Goethe-Institut Budapest, Director:
"During his term of office, Mr. Alföldi designed a program whick took into account the interests of a large and diverse audience. He managed to attract young people with his new interpretations of the classics, which is one of the most honorable and at the same time one of the most difficult tasks of a National Theatre. From our experience in cooperating with the National Theatre, we can definitely recommend him for another term in the position of general director at the National Theatre."

Jean Lambert – wild, director of Comédie de Caen, National Dramatic Center of Normandy:
"Our meeting in 2012 was the opportunity to discover the dynamism and quality of the artistic project which you are spearheading and of which the programing and the producing are very close to those which I aim to develop in France within my theatrical institution. I am particularly keen on your ability to convey classic and contemporary works in harmony, in combining tradition with innovation and in opening your National Theatre ofEuropean productions."

Barbara Lanciers, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Program Director:
"As a deeply invested observer and someone who regularly sees performance from all over the world, I can say that Robert Alföldi and his team have left a profound mark on the culture and reputation of the National Theatre, growing the institution to a new level as far as the quality of collaborators it attracts and, thus, the quality of work being produced. He has captured the excitement and investment of a whole new generation of theatre-going audience of Hungary. Mr. Alföldi has also enriched the climate of the National by opening its doors to professional opportunities internationally and by bringing in guest artists if the highest caliber - many of whom are his long-time colleagues and collaborators. Mr. Alföldi has truly helped put the National on the map in the global, professional theatrical arena and is constantly looking for ways to continue to raise its profile. His level of passion, talent, and organizational capabilities are unmatched."

Audronis Ligua, Artistic Director of Lithuanian National Drama Theatre:
"As Artistic Director of Lithuanian National Drama Theatre I think that we need redefine a meaning of National theatres in nowadays especially those sociaties learning democratic rules of existance in a global world. The challange is to understand national in a spirit of universal humanistic values and stand for them. I think this is the way Mr Róbert Alföldi and his team follow during recent years of running the Hungarian National Theatre. Hereby I strongly support Mr Róbert Alföldi efforts to continue realize his goals in the position of general director at the Hungarian National Theatre."

Freo Majer, ZukunftsFestivals in Potsdam, Direktor:
"Róbert Alföldi und sein Team haben das Nationaltheater Budapest und somit die europäische Kulturlandschaft außerordentlich bereichert. Mit einem anspruchsvollen, klug durchdachten Spielplan, dem Erarbeiten starker, zeitgemäßer Regiesprachen und dem Einsatz für ungarische wie auch fremdsprachige Autoren kann sich das Nationaltheater unter dem Generaldirektor Róbert Alföldi hervorragend präsentieren und auch im europäischen Vergleich bewähren. Es ist ein angesehenes, hochkarätiges Theater auf der Höhe unserer Zeit."

Nada Matosevics, Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište Ivana pl. Zajca, intendantica:
"Having an opportunity to work with Mr. Róbert Alföldi and his team, not only our theatre (CNT Ivan pl. Zajc, Rijeka, Croatia) but Rijeka’s audience benefited through presenting performances under his direction."

Dino Mustafic, International Theater Festival MESS Sarajevo, Director:
"We have been collaborating with the National Theatre for a number of years and have had excellent results. Their performances have won multiple awards on our Festival and they have been one of our strongest partners in Hungary."

Andrei Şerban, director:
"The National became under Alfoldi’s leadership, one of the most important theatres in Europe. People abroad recognize both the courage to try to do new work and the good quality of the performance. I personally had an immense pleasure working with this company, and the constant full houses and the success we get, show that this is a place that is healthy, popular and alive."